martes, 5 de junio de 2018



1) CREATE A ONLINE COURSE VIDEO: This way I put it first since it is the one that will make you the most money, you can create your online course video on platforms like Udemy and sell it. Once created, you should wait for your winnings. Once you have your online course video, you sell it in UDEMY OR CLICKBANK.

2) CREATE AN EBOOK COURSE. You can create an ebook in which you explain step by step how to solve the problems and exercises of the theme that you like. You can add many solved examples, propose a few exercises and add a solution.

3) CREATE A PROBLEM WITH SOLUTION. This form is very versatile since you can formulate your problems and add a content as a kind of course in which you set an example and invite the reader to solve an exercise so they can learn in this way. It is very important to add graphics and statistics to your content.
Then you can sell them as an ebook, PDF. Or you can offer your content through a shortened link or block the content with a give me a G + and so you will have more reach and visits to your site.

4) OFFER SERVICES ON YOUTUBE: YouTube is the second world search engine after google, you can create a YouTube channel where you upload about 10 videos where you teach to solve exercises in it, you can offer your consulting services and tutorials, and your videos are much monetized your videos by Adsense or Exoclick. You can also offer your online course video and your ebook that you will leave in the description of your video.

5) WEBINAR: be direct as a conference or seminar, or do it indirectly as a practical class in video where you will be teaching to solve different topics, these webinars can be sold directly on your blog or on the third party web and you can monetize promoting other computer products of your property.

6) OFFER SERVICES IN A BLOG OR WEB. If you do not have a web page, start creating one, for this you can use free platforms such as blogger or wordpress or you can buy a hosting like HOSTGATOR, on your website you can sort the contents by categories and create a bank of solved exercises of your subject. You send traffic to your website through your YouTube channel. Then you monetize your traffic through advertisements, the sale of your own infoproducts or offer consulting services or face-to-face classes in your city.

7) SOLVE THE PROPOSED EXERCISES OF DIFFERENT AUTHORS AND SELL IT AS A PDF OR EBOOK. This is an infoproduct with a lot of potential. You can collect proposed exercises from different authors, solve them and create a solved megaproblem. Once done, you sell it on different platforms like: or you offer it on your website or YouTube channel. Do not forget to put the URL of your website as a page header in your content, so you will get to know it widely.

8) PRACTICAL-THEORETICAL QUESTIONNAIRES OF ANY SUBJECT. This is another infoproduct that depends on your creativity. You formulate theoretical questions and exercises in which you specialize in various subjects, these may be the questions that most students ask themselves, such as THE 100 CALCULATIONS THAT ALL ELECTRICIAN MUST KNOW.As you already have an ebook course, a custom problem and an author's solution, you can create a pack that you offer for an offer price.

9) GIVING PARTICULAR CLASSES: Get to know in your city. Put an ad in your house or in the newspaper, you can give private or group courses, in which you charge per hour.

10) OFFER SERVICES AS FREELANCER. Working as FreeLancer has a lot of potential, in FreeLancer or Fiverr you can offer to carry out the tasks of those who require or offer tutorials in order to you depends on which strategy to use.

11) CREATE AN ONLINE OR PRESENTIAL ACADEMY. This is a powerful tool, you register your brand as a company and you create your website where you offer courses by level, in this same academy you teach to solve exercises by objectives depending on the needs of your students, and you can hire other teachers or you sell space for them to teach also,right here you can create an online catalog of solved exercises of different subjects and authors. Use the traffic to your website monetizing it through ads from WebEmpresa, EXOCLICK or selling other UDEMY courses.

12) PUT AN ADVERTISEMENTS ON SITES LIKE COOBIS OR PUBLISUITS. Once you have created your academy you can place an ad on one of these sites to advertise on social networks. Then people with many followers will be interested in publishing content recommended in social networks.

13) THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS. Social networks are the best free tool you can use to earn money solving exercises, create a FanPage you can use Facebook Ads,or for example on twitter you look for phrase like "someone can help me solve ..." And you take advantage and you stand out in what you know how to do.There you can offer your infoproducts and generate traffic to your website or channel. On Pinterest for example pineas images related to the solution of a problem say fluid if someone sees and clicks will be redirected to where you want, since you leave a URL in the image or you can post many images with a watermark of your Web.

14) ADVERTISE IN THE PRINTED MEDIA: hang anad in the newspapers this will give you more visibility also use the stations

15) CREATE AN APP OR SOFTWARE TO RESOLVE EXERCISES. This is one of the strategies that I like the most, if you are good at programming it will not hurt to create an app to learn derivatives and integrals through a game, for example.You can also design a software with multiple functionalities such as graphing functions among many things and offer these two products in your networks, web, channel, etc.You choose the price and you will win for each download of your app or software. Once you have all this or some of my recommendations you should set a strategy, there is no magic formula, the key to success lies in perseverance. If you get many visits to your website or channel you can monetize by third party ad and sell your app, software, infoproducts, or sign up in an affiliate program like AMAZON or EBAY where you recommend products related to your sector.

I HOPE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN USEFUL, AND HOW DO YOU HAVE TO WIN MONEY ONLINE RESOLVING EXERCISES? COMMENT AND SHARE IN YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS. If you want you can help me grow this blog by sharing on your social networks or with a small donation:

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